~∞~All expressions here are my Own experience/opinion to Be Shared In Freedom

In masque of plagiarism of fallacious Intent Be boomerang bent to Clarity Ascent~∞~

Monday 31 December 2012


Homemade and eco-friendly Laundry Detergent ~ tried and tested... 

Our planet is a living breathing organism that hosts us as a parent does their child.  We need to show Her the same respect we show one another.  When we work in harmony with our surroundings/Mother, there will always be a win-win scenario.
This harmonious scenario not only aids in the welfare of you and the environment, it also saves you $$$, as you get the same or better than you'd get from a commercial product.   And it's really not as much work as it seems...
 Any small cup that you'd like to use as a measure, I have one that is 100g...

1 measure Washing Soda/Soda Ash 
1 measure Coarse Sea Salt
2 measures (or more?) Bicarbonate of Soda
1 measure finely grated pure Soap
4-5 drops essential Oil

Mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl (to give you room to move).  Add drops of essential oil and mix it up so that fragrance is nicely dispersed.  You can grind down your final mix if you prefer a finer mix (I use my food processor).

If you're using close to my 100g measure, a medium lunch tin size container will suffice for storage.

I use about 10-20ml/g per load, dependant on load (a plastic medicine spoon, or small 30ml cup makes nice scoop) and place detergent directly into the drum (but only because i've always done this ;)


  • Washing Soda can be found at your local grocery store, ask a shop assistant to direct you since they may keep it in different places (I found mine in the dish-washing section).  The Washing Soda comes in quite big crystals, so to be able to combine ingredients more evenly with small granules, I put the soda crystals through a liquidizer/mixer with blades.
  •  The Bicarb also acts as a softener, and the soap/oils will give great fragrance - thereby eliminating the use of added softeners.  Play around with this measure, since up to 1/2 cup per load is often suggested instead of softener, this is probably water related
  • Any bar of natural vegetable soap from your grocer or health shop.  While handmade bars may cost a bit more, you only actual use a 1/5 or so at a time so it does last.   Grate the soap bar on fine into an container, and take out what you need as you need.  This'll save you time later too.  According to research on the 'net, Sunlight and other laundry soap bars have been reformulated using synthetic detergents and/or possibly use fillers that are not biodegradable or kind, and are, IMHO, best avoided.
  • Research and test the use of essential Oils ~ they are highly therapeutic.  But you don't want to use an oil that stimulates and then wash your bedding ;).  Lavender is quite a safe bet but you can have a lot of fun here. 
  •  My local baking supply store (non-chain affiliated) stocks Bicarb for much cheaper than my big discount retailer...hmmm??  And Washing Soda too is much cheaper from a hardware supply store than same "big discount" grocer.
  • Borax is a key ingredient in most of the recipies I sourced however in some countries it's on a watchlist, can be used to kill roaches/ants/rodents, and is toxic.  Borax apparently softens water, but so does Washing Soda and Salt.  It's a good cleaning and deodorising agent, but Bicarb is excellent in this department.  Is Borax really eco-friendly?  Where does it come from? Is it harmful in any way?  I can't seem to find a straight answer anywhere, and given that our skin is our biggest organ I scrapped it altogether, with no hassle.

Tuesday 30 October 2012


White wine vinegar and bicarb are really all the basics one needs to clean household surfaces.

immerse citrus peels in vinegar on a sunny window sill for a minimum of 2 weeks before use.  (Be sure to use only the peel, make sure there is no fruit flesh in the mix, as it makes everything sticky!)

I just take what vinegar solution measure I require and leave the peels in the vinegar because my window sill isn't sunny.  But as they get mushy and start to 'fall apart' a bit, strain out these mushy peels and collect in a separate  jar.  When bicarb is added to this it makes a great effervescent scrub to clean more stubborn stains.  

For a great all purpose cleaner: 
dilute 3 or 4 parts water: 1 part citrus vinegar solution in a saved cleaning bottle ~ nice fragrant cleaner :)


Easy Bread

equal measures flour and water mixed in a jar, covered with muslin.  1tblsp of each will do :)

feed equal measures each day for 7 days ~ the yeast collected here is referred to as "start"

1/4 cup 'start'
2 cups white wholewheat flour
1 1/2 cups water (rain, spring, or if not available used boiled water?)
1tsp salt

Allow to stand in a warm space for 16-17hours

Kneed a bit, then put into a baking pot/dish.  In a hot oven for 15-30minutes with lid on, then lid off to crust.

So easy and delicious.  You could also add pesto, or olives, or all kinds of interesting stuff :)

Thursday 25 October 2012


~ thanks to (unknown) author for use of this image ~
* Alanis Morrissette

the Truth Will set you Free
but through an oft' dark tunnel One must journey
chains of bondage wrap themselves around your Heart
the fear like a wet blanket that cannot be ignored
but keep pushing forward
give Thanks for the education, and let it go
once you Know you can't unKnow
a Conscious Choice for new Synergies achiev'd
~ take back your Power.  Stand in Faith.
fear not the Responsibility, do not cower
Decision be a key of Cataclysm
Pride of achievements ~ Fiery Encouragement of Love of One
Physical manifest ~ Rock solid Vibration of God's Gifts
Trust of Graceful gusty motions in Acceptance of One
See the quantum ripple ~ in Fluid direction move...
look no more out side of your Self

Accept your part in the kaleidoscope behind, and in front
by example, share the direction of your Path
though the Path less travelled seems daunting, lonely 
the Choice is yours, one and only
...to meet your self en route, a treat
a brave and most encouraging feat 
along the Path a process to follow
'n 'jagged little pills to swallow'*
the Path not as lonely as first perceiv'd
to discover we are Free-er than we initially conceiv'd
that we are many, and growing In Frequency
unravelling all the secrecy
by example and request, share the direction of your journey
to widen the Flow to a World of Harmony 
He Is the Love, the Light, the Way
the more the merrier in Connection Soirée

Tuesday 7 August 2012


...inspired by Joseph Mokoatle, May the Sun Shine for Him every day, also founder of the Slovoville Upliftment Project

Real-ize that the we Are All the same
one family of Beings of same name
discard shackles of divide
and disempowerment behind which we cannot hide
Love comprehended and Shared for Free
will ultimately Empower thee
Re-store the Connection that Humanity can achieve
tapestries of Wonder & Peace to weave

~ thanks to unknown for use of this image ~

on 19th of July 2012, a "Work Day" organised by AFRICA FOOD FOR THOUGHT,
SUP was sub-contracted to assist with the renovation work at the 2 kindergartens we worked on.

On 11/12/13 I got news from a mutual facebook friend that Joseph had passed away.  Going through old correspondence, it was at the end of October 2013 that he said "..The thing that has been ailing me is a lump under my left jaw. Started off small a few months ago but has since grown quite unmistakably, buldging the side of my neck. Stiff too. Been told it could be AIDS, blocked lymph nodes, TB, lymphoma cancer and, more recently, a witchfraft curse..... Going to Johannesburg General hospital this morning for a more accurate assessment as even the sonar scan was still not conclusive.. ..(after a laborious days' work)..Anyway, most of my body is very sore and stiff; just turning in bed is a mission Mel.."
...gosh, I am still at such a loss for words.  I just can't believe his life ended so swiftly so young.  It's just so unfair!!!  Though I never knew him personally, we had a good online connection and quite a few common online friends.  He was such an inspiration to so many ! May His Good Works Live for ev'r on ..¸.•*¨`*•~♪♫•*¨✿~♡*❥

Monday 6 August 2012

Astro Blessings

...~ lessons I have learnt, lessons we could all learn, through the Art of Astrology

~ thanks to unknown for use of image ~
its frustrating, this push-pull business
Energies driving and fueling one forward
even if one has the Clarity of Conscious
fixed destinationon the quantum path is ever changing
with unexpected exchanging and/or rearranging

consider all visionary thoughts' ripple effects
before commitments are made to visions manifest

take heed of potential ripples or profanities
the destination is spring-loaded with realities

July 2013
In my Life on this Beautiful Planet we call Earth, Our hostess of Love's immeasurable proportion, my interest in behavioural energy eventually opened my eyes to many an :oh moment, and Astrology has assisted me greatly with the understanding and provision of simple elemental tools, that simplify many a complexity.  My understanding as a layman with an interest is this:~*❥

,...as with anything, the more intention-to-see that one pays in attention, the more one notices:)
 Astrology is the art/ability to interpret energetic emphasis ito the placements of planets at a given time - whose reference is based on historical data -: astronomical and other, the application of doctrine of myth/history (per various proofs therein of an archeological/archival nature) - as applied to our terrestrial civilization/behavioural sciences/trends/etc.

As an observer, one notices situations playing out within other (unique) macro/micro areas, thus the astrologer can only generalize on a collective level by relaying suggestive collective possibilities, based on reference, etc. as referred to above. 
We can also use these energetic interpretations as tools in our own life experience.  As each persons chart is so unique, energies at play at any given time subsequently affect each one personally: differently/similarly/more vs less.  Each area of the chart brings with it strengths and weaknesses, which when brought to one's attention can be heeded and harnessed positively with the aim to overcome various individual negative traits.

It is often argued that astrology is hogwash, vague,..?  Well look, i'm only human, and have made many a misinterpretation, which is why I love poetry so much because it lends itself to interpretation by the reader, and even then differently each time.,.,out-the-box thinking ;) ? but on the topic at hand, indeed consultation with a reputable, dedicated Interpreter/trans~lay~tor is necessary, all though make no mistake, the work is yours to do, and all decision rests with you, the very Individual.  And make no other mistake, referral is a less misty road, than the flashy indicator banner here, there, and every where.

Charlatans and hustlers are out in their numbers:( -- I recall a site I used to follow that was really helpful to me in my inquiries.  Well, i was very disappointed to stumble across (a complete vs majority) amazing column by a now-and-then type blogger.   Needless to say, it appeared to me to be plagiarism of the worst kind because the said frequented site (that gave no!indication the work was not theirs), was a new-age one from the west, with pop-up irritating service price tags.  i mean sure, we've all got to make a living but really,...,.,karma's a bitch, they say.   Sure, who's to know who's doing what where and who's sane and who's not.  But at the end of the day, I refer what works for me.

Heaven knows the complexities of civilization get on top of the best of us. 
i recommend the Astrologer ^^highlighted on this post^^ which may sound flashy but really this is my blog :) and because i Live for a ~Free South Africa~ i See i Can Be as flashy as i like ;) ~

Another astrologer I also follow is Blue Moon Astrology


See the hearts of God's children
See that hearts are torn but true
stop! waiting form them to fix it for you
this the outside-in
Invite Him in to repair for yourselves
this the INside-out

Communities built with people on your street
the place where you rest your feet
unshackle with the Love you feel
when God lifts from your Heart that it may Heal

Love Is Strong-er than any lying thread
